Sunday, October 29, 2006

The folks I miss right now.


Hey Mom, Dad, Josh, Alex, Craigor, Lisa, Anne, Jac, Al, and Ron... I wish with either hung out more or hung out at all, depending.

...not that anybody on the this list will ever actually read this, but hey... that's life.

Love to all. Especially, um, see above.


ITS said...

You don't miss me?

That's cold!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how I've missed the last FOUR posts, but it sounds like you need...


Dude. Seriously. Grab an ear. Or a shoulder. Or a meeting. HUGS.

Anonymous said...

Hey, whatever happened to the post telling us why you didn't end up buying that house in Vermont?

(besides the guns, of course)

shqipo said...

You are approaching mid-life, aren't you?

just messing with you. I hear you :(