...or not, Marathon, here I come.
I just ran 20.3 miles. I decided that I had to. Today. Because if I didn't break the 20-mile barrier, I was going to bail on the NYC Marathon. My back and lungs have ranged from bad to kind-of-bad for the past two months, and I needed to know that I could do it.
Ouch. But I did it.
So for the next two weeks, I'm going to run, stretch, eat better, lift light weights, and get my ass (and other parts) as ready as possible to be one of 37,000 people running on November 5th.
Love to all. Even you, the couple who kept their semi-friendly dog's off leash at Rockefeller State Park.
Wow, good for you! Very impressive. Good luck
This past September I had the chance to work at a Marathon... I blocked streets to make it safe for the runners on the course! It is a lot of logistics to organize a Marathon but in the end it is worth it!! I was upclose and got to see the runners... It was my first contact with a Marathon. I thought their determination was awesome! And I loved seeing the mix of people running... From very athletic moms pushing strollers to old granpas trailing behind. Still they all ran... At their own pace. It's awesome! Have fun at the NY Marathon!!
Way to go! That is so cool! You're gonna do a great job!
Awesome! If I ever run another marathon I want to do New York. I have heard it is so exciting.
There is nothing like the excitement at the starting line.
Good Luck - I am anxious to hear how it goes!
Run On!
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