Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Too much, too late, two years.

So, the evening is shaping up to be a good one for American Democrats.

I don't know, though. I worry that the Democrats will take the house, maybe even the senate, and spend two years fighting Bush to a draw... only to lose the House again. I'm worried that the next two years will be just what the Republicans need to regroup. Their President can stalemate the legislative branch just long enough to make the Dems look ineffective... and the Republicans will use that time to position themselves as the more moderate alternative to Bush and the more effective alternative ot the Dems.

After six years of Bush shitting on the environment, the Constitution, human rights, and our own troops... after Bush losing every ounce of goodwill the world felt towards us after 9/11... I just worry that two years of legislative/executive stalemate is exacty what the Republicans want...

...and exactly what this nation doesn't need.

Love to all. Even you, Senator Santorum.


shqipo said...

true... how about an impeachment?

Anonymous said...

Have faith Rich.

The best thing to come of this is that the PEOPLE who are Democrats finally had the courage to stand up and say "enough". And people listened. And we won.

We've got our faith in ourselves back.

shqipo said...

damn it - what about us, Libertarians?

Rich | Championable said...

I actually voted Libertarian for NY Comptroller, as a protest against Hevesi.

You know what's weird? All this time, I somehow thought Miss Britt was, um, a Brit.

Makes no sense, but it's true.