Last night, my daughter sent a letter to the tooth fair via pillow mail. During our evening put-to-bed games, I managed to steal the letter and put it in my pocket. A minute or two later, when I was nowhere near her pillow, I said: "Did you hear that? It's a slight tinkling noise! I haven't heard that... since... I lost a tooth!"
My daughter ran to her pillow. "The letter is gone! Why didn't the tooth fairy write back?"
I said: "She probably took the note home to read. Maybe she'll write back come morning."
When my daughter woke up, she found the note above under her pillow.
Love to all. Even you, the guy who emailed me a scan of a crumpled piece of paper.
Nice job, tooth fairy!
That's so cute!!!! :) :)
That is sweet!
You're so rad to do that! My daughter lost (REALLY lost, as in, dropped it outside and couldn't find it) a tooth last year, so we wrote a nice note to the tooth fairy. My (8 year old) son wanted to ask her (since he's skeptical) what she did with all the teeth. I asked that on the back of the note.
In the morning, he wanted to know if she'd left a reply. I said, "Umm, no. You know, she's so busy, she probably didn't notice there was anything written on the back!" 'Cos I couldn't think of a good answer!
Doesn't being a parent rock?
This kind of stuff would never go down in any other context.
You really are a cool dad.
That is soo awesome!! You ROCK!! I can't wait to be a tooth fairy =)
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