Sunday, April 01, 2007

Best. Comment. Ever.

Some people, whose lives may have not been touched directly by something/someone, will be very insensitive about that thing. And, some people, are just dicks.

- Callisto
I just think this is really the perfect explanation for certain types of behavior.

Love to all. Even you, Captain Boredom.


Callisto said...

Wow, dude! Thank you. You've made a shoddy morning much brighter.

Vinny said...

What I love about your blog, Rich, is not only what you say, but what it brings out in all of us.

Awesome comment.

~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...

You are really cool. I came here from Chickie's blog. I'm going to blog roll you, 'cause I like how you think!

I'm so the same as you say you are in your blog title, but I'm a chick, and I'm not Catholic. I was raised Catholic..maybe that's why I'm leaning toward atheism these days!

Anyway...nice to meet you! I'll be back!