Tuesday, June 28, 2005

[Adult] Correction from my wife.

"Actually, honey, the way it went was this:

You: D. is having a bachelor party. In Montreal.
Me: You should go. It would be fun.
You: What am I going to do? I can't drink.
Me: You can touch the stripper's boobies.
You: Really??
Me: But you can't rub your dick between them.
You: Okay!!"


Kiley said...

You're hilarious...and I dig your blog title and description!

Kim said...

Your wife is a good woman...

Cooper said...

that was nice

Cooper said...
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Pete said...

Viva La Montreal!

I am heading there for a bachelor party in September, plus seeing Pearl Jam!! Montreal is awesome....

Anonymous said...

that was funny

found you via BE
adding you do my BlogRoll