Thursday, June 02, 2005

Like mother, like daughter.

My daughter is driving her Mom a little batty.

The boys...
The boys listen.
The boys STOP when you say stop.
The boys will back off.

Not my daughter. She just pushes and pushes... and when the hammer comes down (meaning, a time out in her room), she just cries and screams and weeps and... it's just infuriating and heartbreaking at the same time.

Apparently, Maggie was quite similar when she was a little girl.

Maggie is actually going out tonight just to get a break. She hates going out alone.


Janice @ Mom On The Run said...

My hubby wants Cosmo Baby to be a "little Marie" oh boy - he sure doesn't know what he's in for. Isn't scary how much our kids are like us?

Princess Wild Cow said...

There's a great book called something like The Birth Order that goes into how our children's personalities develop in relationship to each other. You might find it interesting.

stacey said...

I know the feeling. I call my daughter the big boss and if you visit my page you'll see what I mean. I know it's heartbreaking to hear her sreaming and hollering at the top of her lungs cause it hurts me to hear it as well. I just want to go in and give her a big hug and say it's okay but if I do then what I'm really telling her is sure go ahead and cause chaos. It will get better.