This has presented itself before: alcoholism saved my ass. There were some bad, bad things that happened as a result, but if I wasn’t an alcoholic, I wouldn’t have made it to 21. The thing is, when I tried drinking again at age 26 (thinking I had “gotten over it”) I wound up in a seven-year, losing battle against booze, without any of the psychological benefits.
Blackouts and social isolation might have helped me cope from 12-20, but at 30, it didn’t do anything but slowly bleed the color out of all the awesome possibilities of my life.
Grayscale world and elevated liver-enzymes. You know?
Now that I’ve been sober for 2 and 2/3 years again, my whole hyperactive, can’t-sit-still, can’t-focus thing is really becoming a pain in the ass. Half the time I get up from my desk to walk the floor, I was in the middle of doing something and don’t even remember getting up. My memory barely works, and I can’t read things that don’t intensely interest me unless they are broken up into tiny little headline chunks. It’s like I’ve become MTV, circa 1995.
So, this is all coming up because:
- It’s really bugging the crap out of me.
- I’m getting tested for ADHD on Friday.
Love to all. Even you, the grey-suited, nose-wiping-with-thumb dude in the seat across from me who keeps coughing into his newspaper, thereby angling his germs right into my fucking face.
This is me! Okay, not the alcoholism part (although, I did drink A LOT). And I'm not a middle class white guy in a wealthy town in America. I'm a fat housewife in Seoul. But the ADHD thing is me (oh, and pro choice converted Catholic part, too). I am convinced that I have ADHD and this is the reason I cannot complete anything sans a 9 month pregnancy.
the whole adhd thing really really had me in a turmoil when I was diagnosed (at 35, for christsakes), but then when they gave me the meds (dextroamphetamine is cool, man), I was so totally wowed by how very different the world looked that I eventually gave up on being worried about it. Because I feel good, I can actually think again... and even if I'm not particularly smart, I act smarter than I ever have in my life.
There are lots of different ways of coping with add or adhd, though, so I'm not advising anybody to walk in to their doc and say "gimme dextro-whatever"... because that would be uncool.
Also discovered that I'm allergic to ritalin. That's good to know.
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