I've started doing daily 10th Steps.
A 10th step is an end-of-day inventory of the day past... what I did, what I did right and wrong. If I did something wrong, what was behind it? Do I owe someone an apology, or amends? Using the 7 deadly sins and the Universal Fear List as touchstones, the idea is that, over time, patterns bubble up, and these patterns become addressable.
But I've discovered a side effect.
If, say, my kids are fighting like crazy people, and annoying the shit out of me... instead of yelling "HEY, STOP IT OR I'LL DUCT TAPE YOUR ASS TO THE CEILING!!!" I think "Okay, I don't want to have to write THAT down on my 10th step, so maybe I'll say [insert appropriate alternative here]." And I do.
Sneaky, sneaky, Alcoholics Anonymous.
Love to all. Even you, the tardy lady who was rude to my assistant.
Interesting concept. But, what IS the appropriate alternative to duct taping the kids to the ceiling? Nothing else get's their attention in quite the same way.
That is a good idea. Although, if my Dad ever told me he'd duct tape my ass to the ceiling, I think I'd be telling that story with laughy tears for many years to come! Hee.
I haven't been to AA for awhile...its funny though that I meet people from AA all the time. I will have 14 months in a few days.
Oh, for cryin' eye. Just duct tape their asses to the ceiling. It's good for them!
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