Wednesday, June 21, 2006

159.6 and a Pre-Teen Adventure.

159.6 this morning. That’s kind of fucked up. I’m going to have to make a conscious effort to eat more, because I’m certainly not going to stop the exercise thing.

Today, I’m taking the 5:30 train to Manhattan, going to my morning AA meeting, going downtown to the gym, running 6.5 miles, doing the weight circuit, possibly having lunch with a friend, then coming back to Westchester to take 8 pre-teens to Rye Playland to celebrate my oldest’s 10th birthday.

Although scheduling the trip was kind of a hassle, I’m totally psyched to go now. It’s a mix of boys and girls, and chaperoning the group should be really interesting. My oldest is friends with the school psychologist’s daughter, so he’s coming as our other chaperone. Always interesting to watch a psychologist interact with his kids.

Ten. My oldest is turning ten. Holy SHIT.

Love to all. Even you, bleeder.


shqipo said...

Nooo, you're gonna give up your weird ass diet of shark cartrilage, aloe vera juice and all that crap? :P

Anonymous said...

I hear cheeseburgers are good for weight gain - and cheesecake.

Enjoy the party... I always kick myself in the morning for planning those things, and then afterwards I'm so glad I did. Have fun being the "cool dad" for a night!

Christi said...

When I trained for a marathon I actually gained about 5 lbs. The bodies way of compensating for the "torture" you are putting it through ; ).

I am not sure if it works the same for men as women. But all of my friends who have trained for long distances seemed to notice.

But you'll probably lose more weight. Men always lose weight easy. grrrr.

Rich | Championable said...

Shqipo: No way, man. Just MORE of it.


Adjunky: hmm. Distance running + Cheeseburgers = cardiac incident, I think... maybe if I put lettuce on the cheesburger?

CG, I do have the adderall component, but the drastic increase in mileage and weight probably has something to do with it, too.

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry - weight gain AND healthy living is not a combo I'm familiar with. ;-)

Anonymous said...

How do you do it all?


When I got home from kindergarten graduation, I announced my nap.

And here I am.