Monday, June 12, 2006

The best pharmacology report ever.

So, I've been having side effects: sleeplessness, irritability, weight losss. They're ongoing, but starting to lighten up a bit. I've slept fairly well for three nights running, and my weight has leveled off, it seems, at 164: 17 pounds down.

Still concerned about the side effects, I called the doc to ask the scoop.

She said: "Everything you're reporting is typical for this medication. By the time I see you for our June 25th, all of the symptoms should have resolved, except for one: weight loss.:

I was like: SCORE!

Admittedly, the weight thing has been helped by getting my running mileage up to 25-30 a week, and the near-total elimination of sweets... but if I have to have ONE side effect, I'll take it.

Love to all. Even you, the costume designer who forgot the dancers were children.


Lisa said...

You're going to waste away to a shadow of your former self! Of course you'll be a calm and focused shadow of your former self...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Win there, huh! Ongoing weightloss would be welcome right here.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the medication may work out. I enjoy reading your blog.

Christi said...

That's good things are working out for you.

I must admit sometimes when I read your ending love to all even...
I so want to know more about what you are talking about and this ending is definitely one of them. : )