My county just officially recognized gay marriage via an executive order. Here's the scoop:
The effect of the order is to give married gay couples the same county privileges as heterosexual couples, such as the right to buy family passes to county parks and the right to seek emergency housing as a family.
"I don't see why people, just because they're the same sex, shouldn't have the same benefits," Spano said yesterday.
Exactly. It's that simple.
Love to all. Even you, the poop-dragging corgi.
Way cool. It's a step in the right direction.
That's about as likely to happen where I live as it would be to see cheese growing on trees.
Could it be because many tax payers in your affluent county are gay? :P
I wonder why do you feel so passionate about supporting the gay cause?
Could it be because the New York Knicks suck?
/I feel like trolling a bit this morning, but nevertheless curious...
Three cheers for your county!
It really is a simple matter: what two people decide to do with their lives is nobody else's business. Republicans used to whine all the time about "getting the government off our backs". Yet, they want a heavy government to step in on the marriage issue.
That's my rant. Congratulations to your county. I hope your all's common sense approach will rub off on the rest of the nation.
Thanks for sharing the news; that's one wonderful pebble in the ocean! Unfortunately, I'd have to leave the state to live near even this much tolerance. So sad . . .
It's always encouraging to see people willing to stand up for the rights of all, especially when it doesn't directly affect them. I find it noble.
I wrote an article recently about my sister's wedding. Her son is going off to college and she doesn't plan on having any more children, yet automatically she gets social security benefits should something happen to her spouse.
Yet here I am with a three year old and the lack of societal recognition of my family makes it difficult to provide her with adequate health care, let alone the fact that if something happened to my spouse, my daughter and I would become homeless.
It's messed up when society tells me that my family shouldn't be recognized because society wants to protect children, when the exact opposite is happening.
Recognizing ALL families as worthy of having a stable home foundation supported by society is a noble virtue.
Sounds like a good thing. The whole fight over gay marriage is a waste of time, in my opinion. I could care less who gets married. Some people use their religious beliefs to say it shouldn't happen, but that argument is weak. Marriage isn't a solely religious institution, otherwise atheists and secularists wouldn't be able to marry either. The gov't recognizing someone's union has no effect on anyone. If you don't believe God recognizes someone's marriage then you have nothing to worry about. God will straighten it out when we all get to the otherside.
I've got more important things to think about, like the price of gas.
Steve S, I know your life. *sigh*
Didn't Ithaca, NY declare the Iraq war illegal? Point is, declarations mean nothing when they have no effect! Of course, meaningless pronouncements are always a safe bet.
Actually, it's not meaningless. It means that little county perks, like family park passes, etc. (And Rye Playland ROCKS THE HOUSE), are available to married gay couple in Westchester.
Besides, these declarations aren't empty. They serve to create a public awareness of acceptance.
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