Monday, June 05, 2006

Gay marriage redux, again, etc.

My President, via CNN:
"Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society," Bush said in his Saturday radio address. "Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all."
Fine, as far as it goes...

But how does gay marriage not promote the welfare of children and stability of society? How does gay marriage demote the welfare of children and the stability of society?

What the fuck is going on here?

Can someone please, please, please explain it to me?

Love to all. Even you, Mr. Feet on the Fucking Seats.


ITS said...

Gay marriage is in the "Axis of evil"

Rich | Championable said...

Oh. Sorry. My bad.

Just didn't know.

shqipo said...

C'mon Rich, get the facts straight, do your research before you post :P

I heard about this on the radio today driving home. Looks like we're going to have a bible-type amendment to the Constitution about this. And I thought when they wrote the Constitution, they tried to separate religion from the state... but what do I know.

It appears that defining what marriage is (according to whom?) is the most important issue that bothers Americans right now, not those soldiers that die daily in Iraq, not the high gas prices... . fuck it, I better keep my mouth shut, the Big Brother is "collecting."

Anonymous said...

Now, you know, it was those "bible beaters" who separated Church from state, not the state...folks, educate yourself.

A man marrying a man...hmmm. Can they procreate, "go forth and multiply"? And women...?

OK, Mr. Catholic :), Mr. Pro many times are we going to re-visit morality?

Catholics DO NOT hate, disagree with or question a person's identity, for that's what it may be...we disagree with ACTING on impulses that go against natural law. One (or two or three) cannot "go forth..." and bore our future generations...if they are of the same sex.

Basic biology. Basic morality. Basic Catholicism. Basic.

Folks have options, they always have, move, write your congressmen/senators.

...but God bless the USA. Just ask any soldier.

Marie said...

Gay marriage doesn't promote the welfare of children because children need a feminine mother and a masculine father to develop to their best.

That's optimum.

Yes, I know there are single moms who try to provide an uncle or a new boyfriend for the male role. I know there are widowers like Atticus who have Calpurnia come in for domestic help and it fills the gap some.

Further, I understand there are homes where there's a mom and dad but there is serious abuse or neglect. I know these are not optimum scenarios.

However, the best and most optimum for children of both sexes is: a feminine mom and a masculine dad. We should be going for the best at all times.

How gay marriage undermines the stability of society is that it undermines the traditional family, see above. The more accepted homosexuality is in any given culture, the fewer marriages, the more divorces, the more serial monogamy etc. etc. etc. - because heterosexual marriage is just now one of many equally valid choices and does not get protected or preserved.

Anonymous said...

Rich, thank you for your post. Recent polls show that support for gay marriage has actually increased recently, and even among those who are against gay marriage, many think a constitutional ban goes way too far. As many others have said, I believe that our brilliant president is trying to distract people from the mess in Iraq and stratospherically high gas prices.

shqipo said...

"Marriage is the most fundamental institution of civilization" uhm... As a married man I ask: how and when did we reach into this conclusion? Probably it was around the same time with "intelligent design."

Tricia, you're absolutely right, God bless the USA! But let's ask the puppeteers instead, not the soldiers.

Anonymous said...

Geez, Rich I seemed to be stumped too until I realized that there's nothing wrong with gay marriage.

Tricia, if marraige was just about having kids, then people who were sterile couldn't marry.

Marie, the idea that everyone has to live under a nuclear family with a male figure and female figure is just pure bullshit. I just watched a doco on 'The Australian story' about a gay man who donated sperm to single parents and lesbian couples. One lesbian couple had a son and what do you know, he's straight and heads a heavy metal band.

Anonymous said...

Man, arguments for an amendment banning gay marriage that quote the bible just prove the point that it is religously motivated. Gays live together now, all the time, sometimes for life, sometimes not - just like heteros married or otherwise. I have no idea whatsoever how saying "I do" changes the equation. Also, there won't be more gays as a result of the right to marry "more gay marriages equals less hetro marriages" as some comments have suggested... how does that follow. This only follows if you believe, that being gay is a choice. But it aint. Anymore than being male or female is a choice. Thanks for the great site rich!!!

Anonymous said...

"I believe that our brilliant president is trying to distract people from the mess in Iraq and stratospherically high gas prices."

I agree that Bush, et al., are trying to distract voters, but I'm getting really tired of hearing how high gas prices supposedly are. They're not that high. They're certainly nowhere near the levels seen in the 70's. Simple math can show that when inflation and other factors are accounted for, gas is actually still quite cheap. On a less academic level, just look at the cars on the road. People aren't driving less or riding bikes and taking public transportation more. They aren't trading in SUVs for compacts. In short, people aren't hurting due to "soaring" gas prices. I won't believe that gas prices are "stratospherically high" until I see SUVs become rare.

Jess said...

Good morning...I've been out browsing this morning, that's how I got here.

Anyway...I think you're space is refreshing and different. Not often do you find "pro" anything lately...and from a male...maybe I just don't get out enough though lol.


Anonymous said...

And I was just about to get pissed about Flag Burning! OMG! All these important issues we have to deal with on election year.

Good thing we captured Osama Bin Ladin, created a stable Iraq and Afganastan, brought all the troops home, balanced the budget and lowered the defict, fixed social security, fixed campaign finance, cleared government corruption, and won the war on terrorists that we can concentrait on Gay Marrage and Flag Burning.

This is what happens when you vote on one key issue.

shqipo said...

Funky Dung: you're right, no one is forcing people to buy gas-guzzling SUVs. On the other hand, your price comparison is quite pseudo-academic: you and the person you're referring to are comparing abnormal prices (gas prices of a crisis time) with normal ones.

Zube said...

I'm. So. With. You. I really, truly don't get what the big frackin' deal is?

Anyway, I'm kind of bitter, too, because yeseterday when I was reading about all this stuff on CNN it was mine and Zube Boy's second wedding anniversary. And it just made me sad to know that there are some folks out there who might be just as wild about their SO's as I am about mine, and they're not allowed to have weddings, much less celebrate anniversaries or weddings.

It's sad.

Anonymous said...

First of all, we don't really have ages or centuries worth of study on the subject of marriage :)

Second, to be historically accurate in his speech, he should have said a marriage between a man and many women, as monogamy is a rather recent addition to marriage :P

Anonymous said...

It's simply a smoke screen issue. No one is clamoring to have oppression put into our Constitution. As far as Catholics calling gay marriage a "morality issue", they have no room to talk when there own church condones the molestation of children by their own priests by holding their tongues.

Marriage is a right to all. Otherwise, secularists and atheists wouldn't be allowed get married either. If you disagree with gay marriage that's fine, but it's not for the gov't to decide. That's God's job and he'll do that when we're all in the afterlife.

Anonymous said...

My (secular) beef with gay marriage is that I haven't heard any arguments in favor of it that could not be used to justify legal polygamy.

P.S. I think this issue should be decided by states, not the federal government.

Anonymous said...

funky dung, polygamy is perfectly fine in my book. Your observation shouldn't be that this is obvious proof that gay marriage is bad because polygamy is obviously bad, but the fact that both are good, despite the way we've been taught.

And Dustin's right, monogamy is only a recent institution.

Rich | Championable said...

The is some lively freakin' commenting. I'm going have to address a couple in a new post, I think.

Rock on.

Christi said...

To compare polygamy to gay marriage is apples to oranges. Coming from Utah... and being around polygamy (a family up the street, peers,etc.) I have seen the effects on families and it is not pretty. I do not think gay marriage is as destructive as polygamy. I do not see anything wrong with gay marriage - although my church just sent a letter out to every congregation to support the ammendment and write letters to congress. I am not sure how I feel about that letter.

Anonymous said...

CQ, I've seen some nasty hetro-monogamous marriages. Hell, they happen and collapse all the time. Does that mean that arrangement is wrong?

I've seen polygamous relationships work, as long as everyone is consenting, there's no problem.

Christi said...

Benjamin solah-

Consent is the key word here. Here in Utah the polygamists are more cult like. Marrying 14 year olds off to 50 and 60 year olds. Brainwashing, abuse, inbreeding, the list goes on. If you don't agree with your sect then you get excommunicated and your family gets reassigned to another husband.
There is an empty compound up the street that was abandoned after trouble with the law and it has old train cars with beds in it where different families slept. To me this is disgusting and if anyone hetero, gay family, etc were living this way would be horrible.

But I also know of a couple of different families that were out on their own and the wives were treated with respect and were willing participants, college educated and no abuse involved. This is fine with me.

My opinion is based on my experience and exposure to these types of polygamists. Obviously your experience or view is different. Thank heavens we are both entitled to our differing opinions and views.


Panthergirl said...

Rich...happy to have found you again through BE surfing. I live near a Metro North station myself, and I'm a native city girl.

Marie: I find your comment about what is "optimal" to be quite insulting. My son's dad is DEAD. Does that make our family sub-optimal? Not ideal circumstances, for sure, but that's mostly because there's only one adult around to do EVERYTHING that is usually shared by two. His dad was not the best role model, so although it is sad that he smoked himself to death, there are some things that my son is better off not having seen or learned.

More gay marriages means less procreation? I will then assume that you are anti-celibacy as well.

The government should have NOTHING to do with marriage between two consenting adults. Nothing. Every union should be a civil union. That would ensure that all couples get the same civil rights associated with being joined together in the eyes of the law.

Then, if the couple chooses to have a ceremony that is religious or pagan or get "married" by a fucking Muppet no one should care.

As for polygamy, my issue with that is the practice seems to often involve underage girls. Read “Under the Banner of Heaven” by Jon Krakauer for some insight. Also, why is it only men who get to have multiple spouses? Why not one woman, six guys?

Panthergirl said...

Hey how come my comment doesn't show up on the main page?? Weird!