Thursday, June 29, 2006

It just keeps going.

Okay. This is my final "jackass cell phone user on the train" post. The reason she was especially annoying was that:
  1. She cleaned her pores with seriously smelly chemicals, and then left the cotton pads on the seat in front of her.
  2. She took up three seats with all her crap.
Love to all. Even you, the lady trying to annul her marriage, even though she has three grown children and was married for 25 years.

I realize that I have electronics, too. But my phone is on vibrate, I move to the doorway if I need to talk to someone, and dammit, I keep my computer close, and out of anyone's way. Electronics can be used politely. I swear.


Anonymous said...

huh. your "tone" has changed...I can't pinpoint it, but you seem veddy sarcastic as of late...

eh, getting an annulment in the US is as easy as getting an abortion. Jest, but a shame, really.

Anonymous said...

You must take pity on her.

She looks a mess. You just know people like her are struggling.

ITS said...

Dude this last picture posts are a blog idea in themselves.

You can start a separate blog with a daily jackass from the train ride.

I know it would be a hit, considering the voyeuristic nature of our times.

I am sharpening my RSS reader as I write, drooling over the idea.

/that girl is teh fugly!!!11!

Anonymous said...

I write on the LIRR almost everyday (articles, my posts) and manage to use up one seat and even try very hard to keep my elbows to myself. I also keep my cell phone on vibrate and if I need to talk, I whisper. I just don't understand why it is so hard for so many people to be able to think outside of their own existence for a simple train ride!

shqipo said...

I agree with durante vita - but I think that's the real reason why you're so pissed cause you were hoping to have a hottie sitting next to you :P

Oh, one more thing: you keep your computer close? hm... whose screen is that then?

Callisto said...

What ITS said about a whole new blog just for arsehole commuters.

She really does look obnoxious.