Sunday, June 11, 2006

Why do I care so much about Gay issues?

ITS asked me:
I wonder why do you feel so passionate about supporting the gay cause?
Could it be because the New York Knicks suck?
No, but that could be why I avoid walking near Madison Square Garden... I don't want the sticky aura of suckage which surrounds the building to rub off on me.

Here's why I care so much about gay rights: it's black and white. There are so many issues in this country with nuance, where both sides have points to make, and even though I have specific opinions on one side, I can see where the other side is coming from. See: abortion, Iraq, NSA wiretapping, nuclear energy, etc., etc.

Gay rights, however, is a one-sided affair. I believe that absolutely any rights that are afforded a heterosexual couple should be afforded any couple of any gender mix. Our representative republic is designed to allow it's citizens to grant and withdraw rights, which then must be evenly applied. Period. As a country, we have decided to grant rights to legally married couples. This must be applied to all citizens equally.

It's that simple. No muss, no fuss.

Love to all. Even you, the puppy with a piece of my couch in her mouth.


Hank Ortuno said...

You owe no one an explanation as to why you hold your convictions. You need only argue the merits of yor position.

Rich | Championable said...

True enough... but I sometimes think the backstory (if there is one... in this case there really isn't), can help explain things, too.

Anonymous said...

Penis+vagina=biological correct pairing. Anything else doesn't add up. Simple, no muss no fuss.

Rich | Championable said...

laciemae - I assume, then, that heterosexual couples who do not plan on procreating should be banned from getting married and enjoying those rights? And a gay couple that adopts a child should be barred from having any family benefits because their penis quotient is wrong?

Besides, amigo, homosexuality may not be procreative, but it's not unnatural.

Anonymous said...

someone said:

Penis+vagina=biological correct pairing.

I read this as:

Penis+vagina=biological correct PARKING. *snort*

works, ya know? kinda, anyway.

Oh, Rich, you daily Communicant. You love, which is AWESOME...and you can love the sinner, but hate the sin, which in the case of homosexuality, is the way to go.

Natural law. There is no "un-natural law".

Yes, you can hold your convictions, and LOVE...but don't be'll be held accountable in the end.

Anonymous said...

...wait! before you get all mad at me...

We say our daily rosary for you...every single day. Isn't it awesome to know that someone, a stranger, includes YOU in their prayers every single day?

Do pray for me, too...

Steve S said...

There are over 1,000 federal benefits, rights and privileges that the State affords to married couples. Each state confers around an additional 700, it varies by state.

This includes everything from Social Security benefits to loved ones when you pass on, to seldom used benefits like the automatic transfer of copyright upon death. Medical benefits, tax breaks, the list is endless in what society gives to families.

In your rush to 'hate the sin', you would punish families who may have chosen celibacy, you have no idea if they are sinners, and you would deprive millions of children a stable home foundation.

Be careful of playing God.

Anonymous said...

Gee I love being thought of as a sinner. No, really.
Ok, not really.
See, this is why I am no longer a Christian. They think they are being loving and kind when they are being well...stupid.
If there is a God, I count on my sexuality being part of It's plan for me.

ITS said...


Thanks for the answer. I don't know why when I read it, this woman came to mind:

saying: "The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads--they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude."

Zube said...

I totally agree. Completely.