Monday, January 22, 2007

Can't win 'em all.

Hell, I can't RUN them all.

I bailed on the Manhattan Half-Marathon yesterday. Instead, I ran 10 miles in my basement while watching Die Hard 3. I decided that 20-degree weather and my propensity towards upper-respiratory badness precluded my running. Work and family-availability prevail.

I still feel like a loser for not running, though. Alas.

Love to all. Even you, the guy who sneezed so loud I almost pooped in my pants.


Morrissey said...

yeah i was there---- gatorade and water were all slushy

Anonymous said...

You're not a loser, you still ran! :P :D

slyght said...

that is one hell of a sneeze. good thing you didn't watch the embed on my page.

Anonymous said...

If I knew your email, I'd send this there:


I figure a running post is a decent place to drop that. BTW, my user name on there is (duh) FunkyDung.