Monday, March 19, 2007

Small claims, big money.

I just came from New York City small claims court. We had three different claims against the same company, covering various invoices over the course of time. The client is a notorious deadbeat who has scammed dozens of people out of tens of thousands of dollars. The way I found out that we were in serious trouble was when my new partners saw we were working with them. Turns out they had owed them $40,000 a couple of years ago.

The owners of my first company got tagged as well, having worked with them a year ago. I found this out over lunch.

This time, though, it seems they are actually declaring bankruptcy: the CFO, the Creative Director, and other employees of their firm are sending resumes out left and right.

Small claims court was actually fun. My friend Lisa went with me, and we basically chit-chatted for three hours. She wanted to see what it was like, because she's starting a claim of her own.

My case was called dead last. DEAD LAST. The funny thing? The only other time I was in small claims court, the same thing happened. Dead last.

My opponent didn't even bother to show. This is good, because I presented my well -documented (if I do say so myself) case without opposition. This is bad, because it means they can present an excuse to the judge, if they so choose. If the judge buys it, we have to do this again.

Anyway. I'm a bit fried and a bit tired, but I'm really happy that I have a business that can get tagged for 12 grand and not close, friends who will sit with me in court for hours, and a family at home that will be glad to see me... if they're awake.

Love to all. Even you, The Weiss Family.


themom said...

Small claims courts are a trip - you get your judgement - THEN TRY AND COLLECT!!!! Back to small claims again for financial discoveries - a neverending battle, BUT I WISH YOU LUCK!!

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

Here's hoping the judge is discerning enough to side with you =)