Wednesday, April 04, 2007


For the last two days, I've been a bachelor. Maggie took the kids and left for Washington, DC. She decided that it was the only way she would be able to survive Spring Break. That's right: she preferred two 5.5 hour drives and tourist traffic vs. being at home alone with the kids for a week. I think that makes sense, but I'm also kind of surprised. She's normally less impulsive along those lines. But last week she decided to take off, and she did. So, bravo.

For the last two days, I've been a bachelor: strip clubs 'til 2am, after hours bars until 4am, barely getting home in time to drink some listerine and drag my sickly ass into work for three hours, just to slip out at lunch. Gotta pack in the debauchery while the Missus is gone, right?

Um. Okay. Not true.

Let's see. Yesterday, I forced myself to sleep until 6:30am. Even though I woke up sans-alarm at 5:09, I WILLED myself back to sleep until 6:30. Took the 7:45 train into Manhattan, was at work well before 9am. Sure, I skipped m morning AA meeting, but it was nice to have a relaxing morning.

Last night... deep breath... I had a SLEEPOVER. My friend Eric, who graciously volunteered to come up to Westchester after hearing that I hated being alone in the house (I get scared of ghosts and shit. Not crazy-style, but I just don't like being alone, and that's one way it manifests. Okay? Sheesh.).

Eric met me at Grand Central, and we took the train to my house. We went to dinner at the local French Bbstro, then back to my house, where he proceeded to completely kick my ass in Wii sports. Particularly bowling. The dude can bowl.

I didn't sleep well. Eric crashed around 10 in the TV room (we have a convertible couch), and I went upstairs and read until about 11pm. I woke up throughout the night... and was pretty much wide awake from 3:45 on. I got out of bed at 4:45, had breakfast, and woke up Eric at 5am, as planned.

And now we're on the train, heading into Manhattan. Eric's asleep.

I woke up this morning thinking: "Holy crap, things have changed. In the past, I would have used a few nights alone to get COMPLETELY shitfaced. Now, I'm lucky enough to have a friend volunteer to keep me company... and not try to get me in trouble.

So: In spite of the deep and lasting pain of Wii humiliation, I'm riding an early train to Manhattan. My head is clear, I'm not hungover, and life is mostly solid. I don't know if I'm supposed to be proud of a lack of debauchery... does one take pride in the fact of not doing things wrong? I don't know. But I I'm grateful for my life and family, and the bald-headed dude sleeping in the seat across from me. Rock on.

Love to all. Even you, the soccer dad who refuses to volunteer to coach, but wants to tell me how to do every little thing.


~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...

Lovin' your soccer dad quote. My hub coached bball for the first time last season, and MAN are there lots of parents with opinions..who DON'T volunteer!

I am so the opposite of you. I sleep WAY too much. I admire early risers, though.

Tell your wife I said WAH! LOL. I have 4 little ones (7,7,8 & 9) and I survived Spring Break at HOME with no car and no money this year. It ROYALLY sucked, but we did ok! LOL. No, I'm glad she gets to do something fun. I'm jealous. I'd love to visit DC.

Callisto said...

Good friends are a blessing, and so much fun.

Unknown said...

Um, lest you forget the boxing match and war games in which I was leveled whilst playing XBox360?

It was tons of fun man, and I look forward to meeting the kids and the Misus.

Thanks again for dinner!

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

You had an awesome few days it sounds like =) I hate being alone too, thank goodness I have Evie to keep me company while I wait for Mr. E to come home. Before it was just me and the cats, and they are not cuddly or entertaining like this little girl. But they do shit and piss in a designated box (most of the time). Rock on Rich!

Anonymous said...

Still haven't had time to listen to the radio show. But this? Rock on, dude.

Anonymous said...

You should absolutely be proud. And, as you said, grateful.

I've been in that place where you are now. I hope to God I can get there again.

Chickie said...

I'm with you on not liking being home alone. I don't worry about ghosts though. It's the gargoyles that scare me.

Rich | Championable said...

Kelli: 7, 7, 8, 9? OMG.

Callisto: Crazy fun!

Eric: Yeah, but I play that game EVERY FUCKING DAY. Doesn't count.

Britt: You rock, dudeness.

Chickie: GREAT, now I have to be afraid of Gargoyles, too.

Evilynmo: Eric protected me, so it worked out. :-)

NFH: I'm surprised you had time to read this, considering!

ITS said...

Dude, this reminded me of an episode from "Everybody Loves Raymond", when Debrah and the kids leave him by himself, and he gets scared of the empty house.

Sam said...

Must. resist. urge. to make fun of grownup having sleepover!!!!!

Just kidding. I kid because I'm jealous. The only people I ever have sleeping over are my sisters and we all share a room so it's not very exciting.

Chickie said...

Sorry. But it's better to be aware so you can protect yourself.