Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blogger down! Blogger down!

Well. I've been quiet for the last few days.

It's been sort of a perfect storm of suck:
  • Maggie needs knee surgery.
  • Yesterday was my mother's birthday. Man, I miss her.
  • Today is the 18th anniversary of when I went to rehab the first time. I stayed sober for seven years, then started drinking again, couldn't stop for another seven years, then finally quiet again. One day at a time, baby... no more of that shit for me.
  • Our basement, which had pergo flooring (if I knew then what I know now), is being semi-gutted as I write this.
  • An ex-employee sent a client of mine a semi-threatening letter. The client owes me $30,000. This is not going to help with collections.
So I've been down a little. But you know, it ain't Katrina, and all because I've got 10's of thousands of dollars in uninsured repairs to do, that doesn't mean my life is over.

I've had to reset my newsreader to "all read," so I can start fresh. The number of unread posts in my favorite blogs was overwhelming.

When I get home today, I should have a completely different basement than I did two days ago. But the family is still the same. And the job. And me. So, life is generally good.

At the peak of my depression yesteraday, my son said to me: "This is pretty bad... but in a way, it's kind of exciting." That knocked me several levels towards normalcy, because the kid was right. Then, just as I was starting to feel better, Maggie came home with a huge coffee and a giant box of pastries. This was in response to me angrily saying that we don't have MONEY for coffee (when she offered me Starbucks). Thank goodness Maggie knows when to ignore my stupid, dramatic ass. Between her ad my oldest, I returned to self.

Love to all. Even you, the guy driving the wrong way, and in the wrong lane, in the parking lot this morning.


Anonymous said...

See. This is the blessing of family. That they know when (and have to the chutzpah) to ignore our dramatic asses and return us to ourselves.

Rock on.

p.s. sorry to hear about the basement. That sounds like it sucks.

Care to share what you've learned about pergo?

Anonymous said...

I just came over from Miss Britt and thought I would say hello to a fellow "friend of Bobs". That guy in the parking lot this morning would have been a fester on my brain and probably had a drink after hours of stewing. Thank God not any more. Now I just aim for em...
Greg T.

Unknown said...

Um? Dr. Bob? Or friend of Bill's?

Vinny said...

Bob? I know Bob.

I guess the Pergo did not take kindly to being submerged, huh? Sorry to hear that. Good to know as I finish my basement.

Anonymous said...

Well both I guess. But ment Bill's sorry.


Unknown said...

All in good fun Greg!!

rennratt said...

Please tell me that you have opted for direct glue indoor/outdoor carpet or peel and stick (rubber based) 'laminate vinyl' for your basement.

Pergo does NOT like water. Neither does the foam padding that sits under it. I am SO glad that you don't have to R&R it yourself!

When I 'go offline', my husband makes me Grandessa coffee. It runs about 4.00 a container at Aldi, and lasts about a month.

Your family ROCKS!

Lisa said...

out of the mouths of babes... and Starbucks.

Hang in there. It might come in waves, but it always ebbs....

Billy said...

Rich, when you do have a free moment, could you shoot me an email? I have some questions about NYC and transportation. Thanks!

Ginamonster said...

I love how my family brings me back to myself too.

Much love. G

Callisto said...

I love Lisa's advice, the ebb and flow of life - how apt and how right she is too. Maggie rocks.

Redmaryjane said...

Thanks for posting this. Totally made my day. You have no idea, but your blog makes me smile a lot.

po said...

Good for you on the attitude adjustment! Sometimes you just have to kick yourself and say "It's just money. No one was hurt. It's just money." And drink that coffee! Coffee always makes everything better!


Christi said...

That is rough! Nothing can prepare you for the disaster that mother nature can bring. While it isn't Katrina it is still a pain to deal with. Hang in there! I will send good thoughts your way - and sounds like you are in great company! Your family rocks!

Christi said...

Oops that's me above, now you know my name. Shhh... Don't tell anyone else :-).

Anonymous said...

How aren't you insured?!?!

ALSO... since you're behind on the reads and what-not, I'll tell you here.

I gave you an award. :-)