You ever get stuck in a mental loop?
It's 5:30am, I'm putting my shoes and socks on, and I've got one sock over my hand, sock-puppet style, when I decide to type a comment on someone's blog. But NO, I figure I can real-quick-like type with my hand in sock-puppet mode, and for some reason, I decide to STAY in sock-puppet mode, even though I can NOT freaking type in sock-puppet mode!
Love to all. Even you, Doctor Steven Brodsky.
I was trying to type this comment...when I was compelled to go wash my hands, again and again, and again...
Is that because of the ungodly hours you keep? lol You'd have to pry me out of bed at that time ;)
...can you spell D-E-M-E-N-T-I-A???? But then again, sock puppets can be your friend!! Hanve another cup of Java - you will be fine.
...still waiting for my comment....LOL
Kelli: I'm actually completely psyched that you like my blog enough to come back... I always feel weird saying that, though. ROCK ON.
Mom: In progress. Starbucks city.
2vamp: no comment. heh.
Callisto: in multiples of 7, perhaps?
I love sock puppets!
I do wish I could get the mental picture of you typing with a sock puppet on OUT OF MY HEAD. It's making me giggle.
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