Friday, April 27, 2007

Correction, and a career confession.

I flippantly commented to Renratt that she should start a fictitious blog, pretending to be her husband. It was a joke, of course. Because:
  1. Who the hell needs more competition for "hottest daddy blogger?" I'm already stuck in 2,793rd place. And that's out of 300 people! Argh!
  2. I started playing out the "spouse writes a blog as other spouse" scenario, and I just... just.... well, it's clearly an utterly stupid idea. I couldn't handle reading Maggie's interpretation of what's going through my head... probably because it would be way too true.
Moving on.

My bio says that I'm the CEO of a media firm. That's not quite true. I'm the CEO of an creative employment agency that staffs writers, art directors, CG artists, retouchers, etc. I'm not a headhunter, because my belieft is that there's enough excellent unemployed or underemployed talent in NYC that I don't need to get down in the sludge like that. At least not as a standard method of operation.

I've run my own show for 11 years, with the exception of a 2.5 year period when I sold my company, and then worked for the company I sold. (That's the company that was just sold again).

This merger isn't going well. My sales are down for the first time ever. Admittedly, they ALWAYS have nosedived when there's been a brand change, but I thought that this would be different, because of the transfer of personnel, etc.

I think I've been holding back from giving the new company the kind of badass differentiation required in a field that is often considered morally suspect, quality-inconsistent, and pain-in-the-ass-ish.

Why hold back, if I'm the fucking CEO?
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear of disapproval.
  • Fear of rejection.
  • Having lost the feeling the my blood flows in this company's veins.
It's not like I haven't been working my ass off... making real progress in both working method sand technological assistance... but I haven't been doing the things to make this brand something different, more attractive, and an inherently better choice for clients present and potential.

Well, it's pretty much time to put up or shut up. So I'm completely rewriting the website (same visuals, totally different content), rewriting our direct mail (and doing more of it), and, well... I'm just doing a base jump. That sums it up.

I'm report in on my progress, because the first round of this needs to be up and running in a week, at most.

Whoa. What a screed.

Love to all. Even you, the gentleman having a extended, full-voice conversation with himself, punctuated by long, frustrated sighs.


themom said...

You have the drive and smarts - GO FOR IT!!! We all have to pull ourselves up by the proverbial bootstraps - once in awhile - my money is on you!!

Tracy Lynn said...

Dude- GO, SPEED RACER, GO! We await further word of your adventures with bells on.


Ginamonster said...

I tried to vote for you but the website never sent me a confirmation, and wouldn't let me vote without it. Perhaps everyone is having the same issue?

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

Yes ginamonster! I also tried to vote for you and I never got my confirmation either. I think it is a conspiracy =)

rennratt said...


I assumed that you wanted me to encourage my husband to start a blog...and create the template myself.

Chachi encouraged ME to start a blog. He maintains that I am the writer; he is the musician. (He does write music...)

Best of luck with revamping the web page, content, etc. Your job sounds intruiging, yet completely exhausting.

As an added bonus, I'm guessing that you get to deal with the tempermentally creative all day long?

po said...

Good luck with the putting up!

As an aside, WHERE would you get your inspiration for your "even you"s if you didn't ride the train in every morning???

Billy said...

Hello? Rich! We miss you man! I know how busy you must be. Let us know how everything is.