Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus and Hymietown.

Okay. So Imus has bee canned for his idiotic, racist comments. Good.

But did anyone notice how Jesse Jackson, who came down on Imus like a ton of bricks, didn't respond when when he was asked the difference between what Imus did what he did he called New York City "Hymietown?"

So, I'm asking you. What's the difference? Not between the men. But between the idiotic, racist comments.

Love to all. Even you, the guy who sent me a raft of racist photographs.


rennratt said...

There is no difference.

My favorite comment, however, came from Snoop Dog.

He felt that Imus was wrong to use the phrase "Nappy headed hos" in reference to the basketball players. However, he defended the right as a rapper to use similar phrases - because "the hos in rap music are users. The basketball players are in COLLEGE. That's different."

So it's okay to judge someone based on education and personal choices?

The mind boggles.

Rich | Championable said...

Boggle, boggle.

Anonymous said...

No difference.

And Sharpton's no better.

Kinda like the Newt and Clinton, huh?

~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...

There is no differences. Two bigoted comments from two bigots.

themom said...

and the gentleman who started the banter with Imus on the radio show faded into the sunset...scary isn't it?

Ginamonster said...

sigh. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones?"

ITS said...


That's one racist term I had never heard. Oh, Rich, why o' why did you have to make me look it up....

Anonymous said...

this was on our local news last night. Seems we're not the only ones wondering.

Dad Stuff said...

I agree. No difference. There is a radio station here that was saying how wrong it was to insult them with the phrase "nappy headed". The term "ho" didn't seem to bother them. Disturbing.

shqipo said...

can anyone enlighten me who "invented" the word "ho"? For some reasons, I doubt it was Imus...