Sunday, April 08, 2007


Hi. Maggie got this magnet for my car. It says:

To declare other's love as wrong is to not really understand love at all.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Looking forward to having a few minutes later to catch up on my blog reading. The last few days have been nuts. For now: Easter Dinner. Yum.

Love to all. Even you, Mike Leavitt.


rennratt said...

We're having meatball sandwiches here. Y'all are welcome to join us!

~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...

EXACTLY! And that's my gay marriage isn't WRONG. I'm a totally STRAIGHT woman, but I just don't see why gay marriage has to be so wrong.

Happy Easter.

themom said...

HAPPY EASTER!! Got the Tattoo on Thursday the 6th, check out my blog for that day (pics). Slyght is having fun with me and my "midlife crisis." No crisis here - enjoying life, now my 62 yr old friend just got her nose pierced, tattoo this Thursday - that's an "end of life" crisis!! Life is short - go for the gusto!!

Great magnet saying!!