Friday, April 20, 2007

Why it's great to be a sober dad.

Enough said. Thanks there, God.

Love to all. Even you, the guy who threatened my client for no apparent reason.


rennratt said...

Way to go, Dad!

Your kids will never forget it.

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

There is something so heartwarming about a Dad being involved with his kids. Way to go Bro =)

~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...

I feel for your client. I truly do.
Been there this week!

Great pic!

Dad Stuff said...

You will always remember it too. Being involved with kids learning life lessons is the greatest reward.

Anonymous said...

Rock on, daddy-o

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Those are spiffy shades :o

Callisto said...

You look so into it, and that, my friend is way cool.

Billy said...

What an awesome role model for those kids.

shqipo said...

i don't know if i'll be a good dad like u, seriously!

btw, WTF? u showed yourself on photo? what happened to that annonimity crap? oh, and u cut your hair? :p

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Great picture.

My dad got and stayed sober to the end of his too short life...but I'm glad that I had those five years with him. Way, way, way better than the alternative.

Thanks, Flying Spaghetti Monster, whom I choose to call my higher power.