Saturday, May 07, 2005

Happy, um, Mother's Day?

We have a tradition of making breakfast in bed for Mother's/Father's day. My children have a tradition of eating that breakfast (and often fighting over it) before the Mother/Father in question has a nary a bite.

This year, I'm going to bring TWO plates upstairs. One for Maggie, one for the kids. Lets see how THAT works out.

I just took my wife and Mother-in-Law out to dinner, which was very pleasant. I thanked my Mother-in-Law for doing a solid job with Maggie... because, well, my wife rocks. Hard.

I realized today that I sometimes don't think about my parents for a couple of days at a time. I realized this because WAS thinking about them, because another Mother's day is coming where I won't see them. Since the last incident with my father (where we had to call the cops), I haven't spoken with them at all. I think that we're coming up on two years. I don't really know. It was too crazy and traumatic for me to really track dates. Ugh.

Sad, because I love my parents. And the fact that I don't think about them every day anymore is both depressing and a relief. I don't think my Dad will ever come around. He didn't speak to his mother for around 14 years, nor to his brother for the same-ish time period. So I have no reason to think he'll come around anytime soon.

Anyway: Happy Mother's Day, Mom. And Dad, too. You know what I mean.

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