Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hour 6: Broccoli, Coal Tar, Hose Battle 2k5

The accident report is finito. It's up to the insurance folks, now.

Picked up my youngest and took him to the local pizza place. He's been talking about the one time we went their together (alone)... so I thought this was a good time to do it again. We were there 10 minutes... enough time for the boy to eat the cheese off of half a slice of pizza, and he say "Okay! Let's go home now!"

While he played in the sandbox, I started planting vegetables. Note to self: do NOT apply coal tar crap to your knees prior to planting veggies. Yuckity yuck yuck yuck.

An hour later, it was HOSE BATTLE 2005! My boy wanted to water the plants. He does this by spraying me with the hose while stomping the living shit out of our fine young broccoli.


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