Monday, May 02, 2005

Status: holding.

My bronchitis is easing. I love Zithromax. I wonder how long until all the bugs are resistant? Alas. It's inevitable. Just like the impending rise of SuperAids. Eventually, HIV is going to be totally resistant to nearly every drug available. See Malaria as an example of resistance.

I know, purists: malaria isn't viral, it's protozoan.

Anyway. Carter seems fine, still. Some symptoms that may or not be related to his impending downturn have cropped up, but he seems pretty happy.

I just found out that upper respiratory infections cause outbreaks of psoriasis. No wonder the magical Florida Sun effect suddenly reversed itself. SHIT. My elbows and knees look like I took sandpaper to them.

That is all. Sorry for being so random.

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