Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hour 11: Playdate Undone, Timewarp.

"Put the accordion DOWN."

Man. The things we say as parents. After the third time my two youngest got out of bed to ask me, jokingly, "Is it time for breakfast yet?"... I started to get kind of mad. I told them to get back in bed, please, and when my youngest picked up a little plastic musical instrument and started tooting it back and forth, I uttered the brilliant sentence above.

Moving back in time a little...

So I managed to get to the bus stop in time. My oldest boy asked me for an offsite playdate, my daughter for an onsite. All the kids and parents were at the bus stop, so I talked to both. Deals were made. My oldest went off with his friend and friend's mom, I took my daughter home, to meet up with her friend a few moments later.


Then, my oldest got sick, and I had to cancel both playdates and bring him home. He crashed immediately. Then, my daughter decided she hated everything I could possibly offer for dinner. Then, my youngest got mad and told me that I couldn't come to his birthday party.

Then, everything turned fine again. My youngest two took a bath, we played games, and I put them to bed. My oldest woke up. He thought he had slept through the night, and was wondering why the other kids were still in bed. He's sitting across from me, doing homework. In half an hour, we're going to watch a little jurassic park. All is well in the world.

I talked to Maggie: she sounds like she's really enjoying the time off. Room service is her best friend right now.

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