Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Parenting: Ego and the selfish bastard.

The thing I have to practice every day is replacing the words "In one minute" with "Sure!" I tend to put off my kids a little bit, while I should be responding to them immediately. At least some of the time. I need to remember that they won't always be asking me to do stuff, and I'm going to miss it.

Love to all.


Rio said...

I think that's a great way to never put off your children, although sometimes it might be better to tell them that "I'm busy right now" instead of "Sure" all the time, because then they'd come to think that they can get their way anytime they want.

I'm participating on June 14th in International Weblogger's Day. Are you?

landismom said...

Yeah, I find myself doing this too much too. It's irksome to put your children off all the time (although I also want them to understand that I can't ALWAYS drop what I'm doing to help them--unless it's a real emergency). A fine balance to walk.