Thursday, July 14, 2005

Fast: The evening before.

I'm about to prep my drinks for tomorrow. It's a combination of:

Cayenne pepper
Lemon Juice
Raw honey

Also, I'm going to by taking this stuff called Oxy Mag, which apparently oxidizes all the crap, literally, leftover in your intestines from years and years of self-abuse. I have this weird idea in my head that I'm going to somehow poop out a whole, pristine, Big Mac from 1994.

I've been eating really well for the past month... mostly just fruits and vegetables... EXCEPT for lunch today, which was, um, three pieces of pizza. And, um, another two when I got home. I think I freaked out over the idea of what I'm going to do tomorrow. Also, I have a race on 7/20, the Nike Run-Hit Wonder in Manhattan.

So I might keep the fast to five days so I have one day to recover before the race.

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