Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Employee/Friend Feedback: Adderall, Day V.

Getting out of my seat and roaming around the office:
Down “about 98%” according to one of my employees.

Number of friends normally bugged via on the cell phone:
Normal: 5-8
Today: 1

With the unusual (and first-time) exception of bugging Shqipo, I seem to have had a totally chill day. The only problem is that for the last two days, I've mostly forgotten to eat anything. Whoops.

I'll get used to this shortly... and hopefully stop posting about it so much. Sorry.

Love to all. Even you, the lady who kept staring at my screen.


A Dad's Tough Day said...

Sounds like one hell of a good diet plan to me. Then again I've gotten so tied up in projects that I've missed a few meals myself.

Mom on the Run said...

I have been the opposite. I have eaten from sun up to sundown for the last 2 days. Have to get out the elastic shorts. Very embarassing.

Bob said...

Please continue to post your experiences with the Adderall. I think I'm going to talk to my doctor about this. I just can't sit still and do work, or even sit and watch a TV show.