Is there a connection between homosexuality and predatory behavior, like pedophilia?It goes on to draw a further relationship between pedophilia and homosexuality, since, according to these wonks, homosexuality and pedophilia "share an arrested sexual and emotional development." Of course, it says, this relationship cannot "necessarily" be drawn.
We cannot presume that all homosexuals are at a higher risk level to molest children or develop into pedophiles than are heterosexuals. [Note the use of the word 'all' - sneaky.] Nor would it be appropriate to allow the label homosexual and pedophile to become interchangeable. At the same time, homosexual men who are unable to sustain healthy peer relationships might well find the potential for age-
inappropriate attractions more real than they thought possible. [Utterly pointless, backed up by nothing, but implying a real connection.]
Sneaky, gross, icky.
The thing I never understand about the whole Anti-Gay thing is what exactly is wrong with being gay? Who does it hurt? How does it negatively affect anyone? What's the downside? Hell, what's the upside?
It's just a way of being. Nothing more, nothing less.
Love to all. Even you, Mike Haley.
To me being anti-gay, is a type of racism, plain and simple.
The question "What exactly is wrong with being gay", might as well be, "What exactly is wrong with being black?" or "What exactly is wrong with being Jewish, Albanian, Mexican, and on and on..."
Racism and other types of phobias are here to stay. As sad as that statement is, for some people it's a way to target the anger for shit going wrong with their own lives.
Rich, you said: "Who does it hurt?" Well, uhm, let's see...I've been told it can be painful for one party :)
Just kidding! I couldn't stop laughing when I read their crap. Then I got angry at these f... bigots.
P.S. Damn it, I had to delete my post twice cause stupid italics weren't working!
An upside?
For every good looking gay guy out there, I see him as one little bit less competition for the girlies!
(From a true single male!)
I am not a part of this consensus that moral concerns about homosexuality equal racism. I think many racial minorities would be offended by that, actually, since we're talking about a behavior.
Male homosexuality bothers me especially because males are more naturally promiscuous and likely to have many more partners than women.
The Gay Rights movement has crossed the line, imo, on the issue of hiv/aids, by preventing normal public health measures which were in practice back in the days of simple V.D. You used to be required to report your partners, I believe.
Also, male homosexuality is unlike lesbianism because of, well, men's anatomy and strength and libido.
Aren't there statistics that a great many homosexuals were molested before the age of consent? Do you imagine a male homosexual is not attracted to 15 and 16 year olds, as male heterosexuals are attracted to young women of that age?
I didn't visit the site you're talking about, btw, so I'm not defending it.
Isn't it the case that the majority of young girls are sexually abused before the age of consent?
Does that mean their later sexual activity is under question?
*not quite sure what jackson's point is??*
Groups like this are indicative of some parts of our society that are gone wrong.....
When your entire existance is based on fear and misinformation (implied, made up, purposeful, accidental, etc) you have a recipe for disaster.
The problem most of the time is that your disaster hurts people who don't deserve it and didn't ask for it.
My point is that 'consensual' statuatory rape is illegal, and homosexual statuatory rape is illegal but also (male vs. boy) it's an initiation to a sad, abnormal way of life.
Nature simply didn't build us that way, and if you ask, you'll find that many homosexuals were 'raped'/initiated by an adult gay male (who ought to be in prison)...
Wouldn't you rather see a 21 year old gay man who initiated a 15 year old boy punished? Isn't that more offensive than than a 21 year old heterosexual who had sex with his 15 year old girlfriend?
Look at the suicide rates among young homosexual men, too. Much higher than the norm.
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