Friday, May 26, 2006

I need a separate trailer for my ego.

I didn’t mention this in my last post, because I didn't want to mess with the vibe, but I want to mention it now. It’s WAY too good for my ego. Sorry in advance for the blatant self-props.


At dinner last night, a 26-year-old former model told me that I had a “special kind of hotness” which, apparently, “gets better over time.” She pointed at the dude next to me (a 6’3”, muscular, extremely good-looking guy with a great chin) and said “Him, he’s gorgeous, but he’s plain vanilla gorgeous. You’ve got something different. Not everyone’s going to think your hot, but those of us [editor’s note – us!] who do think it’s REALLY hot. Maggie must be walking around saying ‘Oh my god, I have such a great package here.’"

All I could say was: “Thanks!”

Now, I will NOT tell Maggie this. Nor will I show Maggie any of the pictures from the dinner last night that contain the model. I’ve learned my lesson. And hell, lying or not, I'll take those kind of compliments any day of the week.

Love to all. Even you, the so-harried lady with the bluetooth headset.


Christi said...

Congratulations on your hotness!!
But... I am wondering why you siad you learned your lesson? Is it because Maggie wouldn't let you meet TC or is it from other past experiences.
Honestly this is what scares me... that my husband would get complimented and hang out with someone who he was most likely attracted to and then keep it a secret. It just seems like it could be he beginning of something and maybe not, but why keep it a secret.
Now I know this is your AA group and there are guidelines you guys follow.
So I guess to sum it up... Why are you not telling Maggie?
If this is too personal, just let me know..

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Well, since you are not Bill Gates or Donald Trump, I don't think the model was flattering you.

Hot or cool, you are the man.
And Maggie should be proud of you.

God bless.

Rich | Championable said...

OO: Thanks kindly!

CG: Maggie knew where I was, and knows who might have been there... but I've learned to keep compliments like that to myself, because it would make her crazy-jealous, and would serve no positive purpose whatsoever.

ITS said...

Dude you are being weird.

You are keeping something from Maggie, which is probably the closest person to you, and yet you are sharing it with the entire world on "teh interwebs", almost bragging about the fact that you are keeping a secret.

I think this is disrespectful to your wife. If I was her, I would forbid you from blogging altogether.

/what do I know...

Rich | Championable said...

ITS: Interesting idea, there, but I totally disagree.

The person who taught me that couples don't have to - and shouldn't - share *everything* is... Maggie. And somehow, I suspect that you didn't tell every woman you dated about every woman you found attractive, or every woman you flirted with.

If you did, then you're either misguided or mean.

I keep a blog because I like keeping a record of my thoughts and experiences, and hearing what other people think about them. I've met some really cool folks here, and this has been a really good thing for me.

In fact... I once DID talk about this particular lady from AA, and Maggie was like: You do NOT tell your wife such things.

Maybe we're wrong, my friend. But it's worked for us for 12 years.

Ah, ITS: I do luvz ya. Even when you think I'm being weird.

ITS said...

You are definitely doing something right for the past 12 years. And I am nowhere near to be qualified to give marriage counseling.

Also, I have kept dark secrets from almost everybody that I have dated. I am definitely not proud of them. But, also, I never went around my partner's back and write about them on a web page, not exactly anonymously.

You guys have an agreement that Maggie will not visit your blog, but the curiosity might get the best of her. She should still be considered part of the audience.

/luvz you too...
//getting caught is much worst than doing something
///back to the Suns-Mavs... yikes
////slashies have invaded your blog
/////word verification for this entry: hnutsws

Christi said...

Whatever works for you and your marriage is great. I suspect my husband gets hit on, and flirted with far more than he ever admits to me. Honestly 99% of the time it doesn't bother me because frankly - he picked me. (but I get insecure for awhile after each baby).
Anyway I asked my husband about the situation and he said... How hot was the model? and Is there a picture of her - (insert beavis and butthead noise here). What a man!
For the most part we are pretty honest - but we have been through some crazy - jealous moments of our own - mostly on my part - okay entirely on my part.
I think it's all okay - but are you going to keep the pictures to yourself hidden somewhere (that would be weird to me) or just chuck them?
What were you doing in those pictures Rich? (I best write that I am saying this so sarcastically - he he)
Run on!