There were lots of kids playing together at a memorial day service. Three of them were mine. They were playing tag. This big kid (it’s all relative, he was 11 or so) walked by my youngest (who is four) and my kid tagged him, even though he wasn’t playing. He turned to my boy and said… “Hasn’t anyone told you not to talk to [he put his hands on my boy’s shoulders] STRANGERS?!” And at the last word, he shoved him to the ground.
I advanced on the kid without thinking. I was in a rage.
However, I am happy to report that I didn’t touch him, threaten him, or use foul language. I told him clearly that big kids had no place touching someone that much smaller than him. He tried to make an excuse, but I cut him off. After I walked away, he apparently started crying. And when he saw me a little later, he ran. At first I felt kind of bad.
But after thinking about it for awhile, I decide that, no, I don’t feel bad at all. Sometimes it’s okay to lose your shit a little.
Love to all. Even you, Mr. 11-vs-4.
Damn bro,
Parenthood sounds difficult...
It doesn't sound to me like you even lost your shit a little bit. It sounded like you did your job as a parent. You showed your child that his safety is your priority and also that it is not okay for someone to push him around.
If my child pushed a smaller person around (and I wasn't there) then I would hope someone would step in and tell him it was inappropriate. It was probably what the kid needed and he was probably crying and hiding because he thought you would tell his parents.
Way to go for not being afraid to be a parent. Your kids are lucky to have you.
It would have been hard for me to restrain myself as well as you did, dude. That whole mother lion thing... (You know... "Don't mess with my babies or i'll rip your head off and eat you alive")
congratulations! you did the right thing. he cried, so what? he was a bully, and all bullies hate to be brought to task.
did he care that his action might have made your son cry? i'm sorry you didn't sock him, but it's better to choose the high road.
love to you - and even to your bully ...
I bet that kid learned a lesson. There is ALWAYS someone bigger than you.
Good for you. It's quite possible that kid's parents weren't teaching him what he should know.
Ha, I bet that 11 yr old will think twice about picking on a little one again. Good for you Rich.
Thats awesome, I got a nice chuckle out of that. But hey maybe that 11 yr old will remember this lesson and think twice before he knocks some other kid down. I hate bullies...
Way to go...That is something I wish I would've done in that situation. Clearly his parents are helping him to understand what is right or wrong...might as well be you, while showing your child how to stand up for himself at the same time. Nice job!
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