Sunday, May 14, 2006

Senator McCain: You must argue about the war.

Let's quote the man (excerpted form this CNN Article). My italics.
"Americans should argue about this war," McCain said. "If an American feels the decision was unwise, then they should state their opposition and argue for another course. It is your right and your obligation. I respect you for it. I would not respect you if you chose to ignore such an important responsibility.
So to all you folks who say that you can't support the troops and be against the war, who say that being against the war is somehow un-American, that disagreeing with the President is akin to treason... I say:

I'll take John McCain's opinion over yours.

Of course, I support your right to say such things, no matter how barbaric and totalitarian they may be. The beauty of America lies in such freedoms.

Love to all. Even you, the lady who dropped a jar of peanut butter in the A&P, and walked away.


Anonymous said...

I am astounded the idea exists in the US about this. In Australia definitely and I presume other countries, there is no issue with it. Those of us here who oppose the war are able to do so without being labelled as against the soldiers who are doing the will of their masters.
I thought we all got over this silliness with Vietnam?

Anonymous said...

I get so frustrated by watching, talking and blogging about all the political nonsense these days.

McCain has always been seen as somewhat of a different animal, but if he changes too much too quickly for political reason, I'm afraid it will be noticed.

Unknown said...

All I can say is AMEN

The Histrionics of a Fat Housewife said...

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it."
Edward Murrow

Anonymous said...

I love our troops. They defend our country and our freedoms and are made up of some of the most amazing individuals our country has to offer.

War is still wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. In Australia, you can be against the war (as I am) but still support the troops. After all, they're just doing a job... just doing what they're told.

I don't think it's an insult to the troops to be against the war - they're not the ones who decided to go, nor the ones giving the orders. Certainly there are some bad eggs, but on the whole, they're doing a damn good job of what they do.