Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Oh my god, did he rock the house. If you head over to college humor and search for Colbert, you can get three big clips of his speech. (Ignore the porn, etc., unless that's your thing.)

God bless the man. Fearless.

Love to all. Even you, the old lady with the sharp elbows.


ITS said...

Best quote about Bush was: "Bush is a man that on Wednesday belives the same thing that he did on Monday, regardless of what happened on Tuesday."

Lisa said...

My favorite was when he compared Bush and Rocky... That Rocky was like Bush and that Apollo Creed was like... everything else in the entire world.

And oh yeah Rock lost in the first one.

Classic. Colbert for Prez.

James said...

I'm curious why you call Colbert "fearless?" It's not as if lampooning the President is a dangerous (or particularly difficult) sport. In the modern day, "speaking truth to power" is a meaningless phrase in America. If there's no risk then how is it "fearless?"

Rich | Championable said...

I mean that he was speaking in front of many hundreds of exceedingly important and/or well-known people, and was three yard or less from the President. Personally, that would trigger my fear of public speaking... especially considering what he had to say.