He was using a tablet computer, and every time he got to the bottom right of his screen, he was wacking the crap out of my arm. It wasn't subtle. It was repeated, as if he were trying to move me off my seat. He also had a bag on the seat in front of him.. and had his feet on the seat, too. (We were in a two-facing-two seat arrangement).
So after whack number 20, the following conversation ensues:
Me: Excuse me, can you move your computer two inches to your left, every time you draw on part of your screen, you're hitting me pretty hard.I take out my Palm, put it in his face, take his picture, and say:
Him: No.
Me: No?
Him: There's no room to move an inch. This is the only way to do it.
Me: Wait. Are you fucking telling me that you're going to keep hitting me?
Him: Yes.
I'm posting your picture online as the biggest dick ever to ride a train.I got up and moved to the doorway, and did crossword puzzles. Admittedly, this wasn't my finest moment as a Christian, but damn, dudes... what a prick! AAAAAH! Maybe it's something about me that attracts these kind of people.
Love to all. Even you, the lady who let her viscious dogs off lead.
LOL!!! I love that you did that. You're a fine Christian in my book! (then again, my book is very, very dirty!)
Being a fine Christian doesn't mean being a total pushover. That guy IS a prick. And now the internets knows it.
You're a much better man than me...they'd be tweezing out pieces of his tablet from his @#$%& face
HEY! Did I give you permission to post my pic???
No, that's not me... but you were more than justified.
I could be wrong, you know, not being a Christian and all, but I'm pretty sure being a good one doesn't mean you have to put up with assholes. And it seems to me that posting his picture on the net is far better than beating his ass. He really was being an inconsiderate asshole.
I love how you told him you were posting his pic! hahaha! Thats great!
What a dick. The other guy, not you.
Wow. What an ass that guy is.
I don't think religion has ANYTHING to do with it!!!
I wouldn't care if you were a Buddhist monk celebrating peace and harmony - I would have smacked that guy on the noggin'!
You practiced quite a bit of self control.
Too bad he won't see himself portrayed as he truly is - so that he can change his ways.
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I'd have just punched. Hard. And then aplogised for there not being enough room for you to do your daily work-out.
What an arsehole, eh?
Nice blog. Take it easy, friend.
Kenny Mac
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