Saturday, January 20, 2007


So, well, whoops.

The Manhattan Half-Marathon is this Sunday. I thought it was in another week or so. I'm SO not ready for this. But I'm running it anyway. Yesterday, I ran 7 miles, just to make sure I'd be able to run 13 tomorrow.

Yesterday.... well... sucked.

I had three clients call to complain about work performed (even work that had been performed months ago, to happy and signed-off-upon results). I've had interviewees not show up, and those that were were attitudinally challenged. I've had one staff person developing a moderate internal Culture of Opposition, and another who needs to learn that her job, however interpersonally fun, requires adherence to a hierarchy.

I have one client who, it turns out, was sued by one of our partners for 42k. They owe us 10k. I have another client who has decided only to pay us half of what they owe us, for reasons, as far as I've been able to uncover, are made up. I have one MORE client who said she's just not paying us, just because she doesn't want to.

I'm a wreck.

It's times like this that I just want to fire everyone who's not a partner and just do everything myself. I'm a great recruiter, I can do collections, I can do invoicing...

I don't know if it's a crisis of confidence in my STAFF, or a crisis of confidence in me.

My beloved isn't helping. (Oh, by the way, she doesn't read this blog. People are confusing comments from one person with comments from my wife.) I checked our checking account, and it looks like we're deficit spending. She's also suggesting really expensive things for the office (I asked her to help decorate). And when I express doubt, say, about the price and look of the lamps she picked, she buys two of them anyway "just to see how it looks." And when I ask her to cancel the order, she decides to buy them for her office at home. (Okay. One lamp was $40. The other, though, was $189. Gulp.)

Where, exactly, is that money supposed to come from?

One of my partners drew a really simple graph. He drew a square and put a thick line down the middl. Then he said: "This side is work. This side is home. Don't let them meet. You're first mistake was letting her paint."

I think he might have been right.

I don't seem to be able to find a way to destress and calm down. Maybe I need more sleep. (Duh.) Maybe I need to eat better (not having a Whole Foods nearby sucks).

Not sure.

Anyway. I'm in something of a funk. I'm going to try and work my way out of it.

Rock on.

Love to all. Even you, the NJ taxi on the West Side Highway who wouldn't pick a lane.



Vinny said...

Sounds like one crappy-ass day. Don't let it get you down. The next one can only get better, right?

Anonymous said...

:( Geez! Hopefully this weekend and a nice run will help you feel better. And just don't look at all the probs at the same time, they become too overpowering! Just deal with one, then the next, and so on! :) I'm sure you can handle it all!! TAKE CARE!!!! xo

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Oh dear.
Looks like you have a whole heap of problems for now.

Vinny and Christelle both said it so I'm not going to repeat it. But I do hope things resolve themselves soon. Good luck, Rich!