Sunday, March 25, 2007

ING Georgia Marathon: a personal record.

Holy crap.

I beat my NYC time by almost two minutes... although this was way harder, with 80-degree, sunny weather with reaallllly long hills.

I came in at 3:43:47. Yowza.

I just changed my flight so that I can go home tonight. This was fun, but there's no reason for me to be here, and I miss my family.

Love to all. Even you, the Decatur group that put up the most depressing "inspirational signs" I have ever, ever, seen.


Anonymous said...


(But now, the curiosity of finding out what the Decatur signs said is going to bug me all afternoon.)

Not bad for having had strep throat 4 days ago. Rock on.

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

Wow!! That is an awesome time!! You smoked it! Sorry the Decatur folks bummed you out, they're usually a lovely group of people.

Have a good trip home =)

ITS said...

you rock!

Christi said...


Callisto said...


Vinny said...

Yeah baby! Congratulations! Huge!

Being home early is a great reward for you.

Anonymous said...


A. said...

Hey, hey, hey, that is a terrific time! Thought about you this morning while I was at church and couldn't wait to get back to the computer to find out how it all went. Glad you did well and are pleased. Hope you had a safe trip home.

Dawn said...

I was wondering how the pollen count of 2582 affected you.

And, having lived in Decatur, I, too, am very curious about their signs. You must share.

Congrats on the time. Good on you!

themom said...

Congrats on a terrific personal record. Share it with the family.

Billy said...

Congratulations. I am really happy to hear about your personal gain from last year. This is awesome! Good for you! Don't you just feel awesome?

Anonymous said...

Rock ON my way-more disciplined and athletic brotha!!

Anonymous said...

I took a ton of photos of this marathon. Check out my blog entry to see if you can find yourself.

Anonymous said...

...And tell other runners about the photos. I want people to find themselves and keep the pictures!

Al said...

that's great! PR's are definitely a good thing. Congrats!!!