"What's Bush going to do after he leaves office... teach?"
The audience laughed heartily. It was, after all, an NPR show, and NPR is famously liberal, right?
But you know what? It's pretty pathetic when the idea of your current President attempting to teach a course is obviously laughable, because the guy's so factually inept and logically splintered.
Leader of my country, indeed. Sigh.
Love to all. Even you, the guy with the tan khakis and dust-covered fleece pullover.
I guarantee he will never teach in the Ohio Valley. We had a peaceful vigil yesterday, commemorating the start of the fiasco in Iraq and DUHBYA wasn't referred to very well (as you can imagine.) I am the Vietnam war era and even those vets are so doooown on this administration. Besides, you have to be able to read and speak before you can teach - I think!?!?!
I try too spend as little time thinking about this as possible, but sometimes I can't help it. I still can't believe that this guy actually almost won the 2000 election and legitimately won the 2004 election. I can't believe he got the nomination in the first plaace. Sometimes he actually comes across like he is border-line retarded. No joke.
It's really embarassing as a human being to know that we all have to answer to a guy who can barely even speak ONE language. He projects such a small sense of the worlld and such a diminished thinking capacity that I actually feel dumber when I hear him speak.
Rest assured that he has enough money that he won't ever NEED to teach a thing once he leaves office....
Unfortunatly he will be laughing all the way to the bank...arghhhhhh!
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