Biggest deal of the year. Big fee. Perfect match client and candidate. The client did everything the candidate wanted. Best benefit package I've ever seen. Hell, the senior management of this nationally renown publishing firm -- the President, Creative VP, more -- all stayed up late into the night to get this guy an offer that would make him happy, because he said he had to make a decision by early this morning.
But then, once the offer was in, he suddenly had to do "research" into something else that would take all afternoon. That was when I got suspicious.
It seems he was just playing them, in order to get a better offer somewhere else.
I understand weighing your options. I really do. But if you say: "This, this, and this would be perfect." And the response is everything you wanted plus quite a bit more, without any negotiation, you should damn well live up to your word. I know of very few companies that make the kinds of offers that these folks did. It's a rare and straightforward declaration of value.
Sure, I'm pissed that my company isn't getting a commission. It would have been tremendous. But I'm MORE pissed that this guy led us on.
Anyway. I'm going to allow myself to be miserable for another hour or two, then get over it.
Love to all. Even you, fucker.
That bites.
Here's to moving on ... in a couple of hours.
Yes, what a fucker indeed. Karma is a beeyatch, he'll find out. You did the right thing, but sorry it didn't work out.
I recently got a job offer from a great company. They did all the right things to get me in, they offered more money, they offered reduced hours, they gave me 2 months to sort out daycare...I still said no. I felt like a bitch for fucking them around, and they... well they offered me contract work later in the year.
Even you, fucker - in deed.
Saying no isn't the issue - screwing with not just a hiring company, but the middle man, is very uncool. And, in general, it just really sucks when you get your time wasted - even if it is just "part of the job".
well, I'm glad I'm not in your shoes. Fucker is too nice of a word.
Callisto: I totally hear you. And trust me, I've been there before. This was just a particularly distasteful situation. I've really never seen senior management at a nationally known firm band together to give someone precisely what the person asked for.
Britt: that's true. My firm is working about 45 different gigs, among four of us. I'm glad my staff didn't lynch the dude.
Evilynmo: The whole thing was worth it just to hear you say "What a fucker indeed."
NFH: This was one of the best use-of-blog-to-vent I've had. It's been a couple of hours. I'm only moderately pissed now.
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