Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shovel, pop-start, 40mg, life goes on.

My oldest smacked my Miata with a large metal shovel. It was an accident. It made a big scratch in the left front quarterpanel. But the Miata didn't feel anything: it was dead anyway.

When I got home last night, my car was still dead.

My oldest and I pushed it into the street, Maggie got in, we started it rolling down the big hill, got the hell out of the way, and watched Maggie pop-start it.

All's well that ends well, I guess.

I didn't mention that yesterday was my first day on 40mg of Adderall XR (I'd been ramping up from 20). It's a completely different experience than Adderall "regular." It's WAY less intense, with none of that "superman" crap that I experienced last year. It's definitely helping me to focus, but is definitely not making me all serious all the time. Day two starts in about half an hour. Haven't taken it yet.

Maggie approves, which is huge... and which is different than last time.

I missed a cell call yesterday with "no caller id." When Maggie calls, it's "blocked," so it wasn't her. I immediately thought that it was my parents, and my heart sank and soared at the site. Of course, I actually have no idea who it was. They didn't leave a message.

One day at a time, I'll accept this whole situation.

Again, thanks for all the comments. They mean a lot.

Love to all. Even you, the dude who coughs into his newspaper, which angles it into my face.


Anonymous said...

Yeah rolling starts. Maybe it can be a metaphor for the day?
Rock on.

ITS said...

Why didn't you just jump start the Miata from the BMer?

Aesthetic said...

One day at a time is the best way to go.