Sunday, May 29, 2005



My daughter is next to me, gently radiating a soft and wonderful light. She's lying on her side, favorite blanket on top of her, and she's positioned her feet so they are flush against my leg.

At this moment, my life is perfect.


Jami said...

This is so sweet. Thanks for the reminder of why it's all worth it.

Rich | Championable said...

Thanks. Then again, this post is only ten posts saparate from one about poop. So I guess my writing varies.


Rich | Championable said...

Separate. I meant "Separate."

Now even THAT looks like it is spelled wrong.


Kristy said...

aww how sweet!!! perfect post :)

Anonymous said...

You are blessed.

Yeah I know, you spell a word wrong, you see it and then all spellings look wrong !!

Anonymous said...

How sweeeet! I'd love to have kids, especially girls!!

Miss Qt

Al said...

Love this post. As crazy as my kids drive me, it's moments like you describe that make it all worth while.