Texas is passing a law whose sole purpose is to harm children. They are making it illegal for same-sex couples to adopt foster kids. This takes the flawed and stupid anti-same-sex marriage logic and makes it much, much worse.
Banning same-sex marriage forces the couple to be an unmarried couple. Stupid and wrong, but the relationship between the two people continues.
Banning same-sex couples from adopting foster children forces the foster child to miss out on a fucking FAMILY.
What the fuck is the MATTER with Texas lawmakers? How can ANYONE support this?
i completely agree with you--crazy shit!
cheers, LingLing
Leave it to Texas, the killing machine! Amazing but unfortunately, not at all surprising. Happy to be a New Englander!
I'm moving from Boston to Texas in exactly 1 month. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with all the fanatical ultra conservatives, especially after living in this little bubble of liberalism. Woe is me!
The thing is, I'm not even an ultra-leftist! I'm somewhat libertarian on social issues, and have some moderate economic leanings. I just can't STAND the lack of logic behind these things... we should focus on children's welfare and education, not on whether the couple who is trying to better those things consists of the "proper" gender mix.
Argh, argh, argh. Thanks for visiting!
the Christian Right. They are everywhere, ecspecially Texas.
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