Friday, July 29, 2005

Five sentences.

1) I just got a kick-ass retro chrome watch with red LED read-outs.
2) I am feeling a lot better, and went to work today.
3) My daughter made me SO angry today I wanted to lock her in her room until she's 28.
4) I'm down to 171 lbs... which is 4 over my wedding weight in 1995.
5) Let's change "28" to "56."


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better! Sorry your daughter is being awful. Here's a little story that may make you feel better: my father and I never got along at ALL while I was growing up. I was scared to be alone in a room with him. Last year, when I was 27, for Father's Day, I wrote him a list of all the nice things he's done for me throughout my life off the top of my head - it was three pages long. So maybe not now, but hopefully someday you and your daughter will get along better and appreciate each other in a different way.

Rich | Championable said...

That's way cool.

But let me clarify: my daughter and I get along wonderfully. She's the source of the most intense emotions, good and bad, in my life. When she's cranky or argumentative, though, she's got absolutely no give. It's remarkable.

Anonymous said...

on that last one