Friday, July 01, 2005

Uh oh: O’Connor retires.

Bye bye, Roe v. Wade. Hello, Antonin Scalia, Version 2.0.

The most powerful action a President can take is to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Because it’s a lifetime appointment, and because opinions rendered by the Court become the Law of the Land, each selection affects the course of Constitutional interpretation for the next several decades. The impact is absolutely profound.

There’s a precarious political balance on the Supreme Court, and it looks like it’s about to tilt seriously to the right.

Uh oh.


CT said...

you ROCK!!!!

Kiley said...

I agree...very scary situation right now in our country (then again, it's been getting continually worse for quite some time now).

Nice blog!

Phil said...

"each selection affects the course of Constitutional interpretation for the next several decades"

Actually, it lasts much longer than several decades. The USSC has traditionally been extremely reluctant to counter or contradict the rulings of previous SCs . . . once the SC sets a precident, it's pretty much going to remain intact for the life of this country (with very few exceptions).


Trudging said...

It is a dark day indeed.

C. Hedges said...

Whatever happened to balance of power?

The Supreme Court isn't the superlegislature per the Constitution. A lot of people view it that way and try to get their laws enacted there instead of petitioning their elected legislators.

Maybe our elected officials could take a stand on some issues and pass laws that people wanted instead of relying on the Court.

Just my wishes. I know the reality. Once an institution gains super powers, it is very reluctant to ever give them up. Still, I wish our legislators would take a stand on issues the feel are important instead of waiting for a case that might be taken before the Supreme Court.

Deliberate Chaos

Anonymous said...

it will be interesting to see how things play out

ah Politics something the Master tires real hard to not mess with

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a disease. Seek professional help immediately.

Rich | Championable said...

Anyone who's truly Conservative would be utterly aghast at the way the Federal Government operates. Especially the current American administration. No wonder that dude posted anonymously.

Being pro-choice isn't inherently Liberal at all. Neither is being pro-Gay rights. What the hell is Liberal about equal rights under the law?