Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I lost my shit.

I mean, LOST it. I said "fuck you" to Maggie like, 6 different times, all within crystal clear earshot of the kids. I feel terribly guilty and utterly fucked up.

Why did I lose it? Because I'm right. Maggie and I had another argument about money, finances, and business. And that classic thing happened: Maggie said something I thought was really insulting and incorrect, I got mad (but not yelling, "fuck you!" mad), asked her to give me an example of what she's talking about, she refuses to do so on the grounds that I'm mad, and THEN I LOSE MY SHIT, thus validating her whole point about me too mad to talk to. And that leaves me feeling manipulated, guilty, and isolated.

I wish I had my family to talk to. Time to go kill people on the XBOX, I think.

Love to all. Even you, blue.