Friday, May 11, 2007

Sex and Crunchberries.

Over the last six hours, I have discovered that sex and Crunchberries are pretty the answer to almost all of my problems today.

Yup. It's true.

Love to all. Even you, Forrest Mars (RIP).


Callisto said...


rennratt said...

Good on ya!

May today be AWESOME, my friend.

Lisa said...

that explains a lot. I haven't had either one of those in a very...VERY.. long time...

but as for you... WOO HOO! Have a fabulous Crunch Berry (and other stuff) filled weekend!

po said...

Hey, as long as you're not having sex WITH crunchberries, it's very therapeutic :). Both get all those yummy neurotransmitters a-poppin'. Love me some dopamine!!

Oh, and I realized that, in regard to your post title from a few days ago, "Flux" used to be a term for diarrhea. Sometimes you just gotta let it all out to feel better.